Yoga on the Ropes
10:30 AM10:30

Yoga on the Ropes

Yoga Kurunta is specifically designed to enhance your practice of Yoga asana in a variety of ways due to its versatility and ease. Yoga on the Ropes emphasizes body awareness and alignment. K-Lea will show you how to use the ropes safely and mindfully. It is advisable to bring bicycling gloves since the extensive use of the ropes in a short time can be challenging for your hands. This class is appropriate for all level practitioners with some previous experience.

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Yoga for Feet
10:30 AM10:30

Yoga for Feet

Lack of mobility and stability in the feet can, and most likely will, end up causing problems for the joints above them. The feet are the foundation of our skeleton and play a critical role in our posture and movement habits. Due to certain footwear and the lack of challenging surfaces and terrain, the feet are not getting exposed to environments that keep them supple, strong and healthy. The aches of our feet, which are critical for healthy biomechanics in the knees, hips and spine may begin to collapse, and form a sort of internal collapse, (the ability to connect to our pelvic floor and core are very much linked to the support of our foot arches). If our feet lose their mobility and strength, we become vulnerable to foot disorders such as plantar fasciitis, sprained ankles, bunions, shin splints and neuromas. Many therapists look at the feet as a key contributory factor in lower back pain.

Dysfunctions in the biomechanics of the feet also have a tendency to ripple upwards causing instability and poor tracking in the knees, pain and dysfunction in the hips and even back pain. This class is appropriate for all level practitioners with some previous experience.

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Create a Home Practice
10:30 AM10:30

Create a Home Practice

Would you like to reap the benefits of a home yoga practice but are not sure where to begin? This workshop will take you step by step through building your unique sequence. Numerous studies show yoga’s benefits in arthritis, osteopenia, balance issues, oncology, women’s health, chronic pain, and more. Yoga improves strength, balance, and flexibility.

The American College of Physicians recommends yoga as a first-line chronic low back pain treatment. Gentle yoga has been shown to ease some of the discomfort of tender, swollen joints for people with arthritis, according to a Johns Hopkins review of 11 recent studies.

Yoga benefits heart health. Research shows that a consistent bedtime yoga routine can help you get in the right mindset and prepare your body to fall and stay asleep. Yoga can mean more energy and brighter moods. According to the National Institutes of Health, scientific evidence shows that yoga supports stress management, mental health, mindfulness, healthy eating, weight loss, and quality sleep. It also connects you with a supportive community and promotes better self-care. 

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Supported Backbends
10:30 AM10:30

Supported Backbends

Yoga poses that expand the chest area and open the front body relieve tension stored in the surrounding muscles and allow the body to send off natural painkillers. They lift your mood and create space around the heart region, allowing for growth in compassion and a feeling of connection. Backbends open up the front of the body and are often called heart openers and mood elevators. Front body opening poses provide space in the lungs to breathe more deeply, which can bring calmness to your mind, In this workshop, we will approach backbends safely in a methodical way. We will use various props to promote confidence, maintain control and compassionately support each practitioner regardless of whether you can push up to a full wheel pose. This class is appropriate for all level practitioners with some previous experience.

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Grow a Lotus (Yoga for Hips)
10:30 AM10:30

Grow a Lotus (Yoga for Hips)

Whether you desire to sit in Padmasana (Lotus) position or practice poses to gain more flexibility in your hips, this workshop may assist you in this goal. Sitting in lotus, or even a comfortable cross-legged pose, is typical for meditation, Pranayama and Yogasana. There are many benefits to doing this pose. It is grounding and said to have a calming effect on the brain. It also keeps the spine straight and helps us develop good posture. When one can do this pose safely, it is excellent for the hips, ankles and knees. Some folks can easily do these poses without any preparation, but try this practice if you are in the “tight hips” category. Tightness in the hips' external rotators, adductors, glutes, hamstrings, ankles and back muscles can all be limiting. Whether or not your goal is to “get lotus,” your hips will feel less painful, lighter, and more energized. Practicing persistence, patience, loving-kindness, and intelligent sequencing can provide the soil for your lotus pose to grow or at least allow you to enjoy more easeful sitting poses.

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Yoga for Pelvic Floor
10:30 AM10:30

Yoga for Pelvic Floor

This workshop is open to all levels and all bodies. The male and female pelvis is not drastically different, so all practitioners interested in experiencing specific Yoga postures and positions designed to provide tools for maintaining a healthy pelvic floor are welcome. K-Lea will guide you through a practice of poses primarily inspired by her teacher training with Leslie Howard, author of Pelvic Liberation.

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 Yoga for the Psoas
10:30 AM10:30

Yoga for the Psoas

The Psoas is known as the fight or flight muscle and is similar to a barometer for the state of our nervous system. Experience this important muscle and how to release and strengthen it. As with most muscles, it is important that we have a balance between stability and mobility. We will explore strengthening, releasing and relaxing through Yoga poses and functional movement modalities. A tight psoas can cause postural problems, so conditioning the psoas in your yoga practice can help keep it healthy, strong, and flexible. If you spend a great deal of time sitting, this will be a key practice to incorporate into your lifestyle. This class is appropriate for all level practitioners with some previous experience.

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Back Care Basics
10:30 AM10:30

Back Care Basics

This class will provide you with a gentle approach to a daily routine for both strengthening and creating suppleness in the back muscles. Yoga has the potential to strengthen our weaknesses and balance our asymmetries if we are willing to practice on a regular basis. “Alignment and Awareness” in asana are the keys to unlocking the benefits of Yoga’s healing benefits. By building proprioceptive awareness and being skillful with our alignment, we have the opportunity to release chronic contraction and tension. New beginners are welcome.

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Introduction to Iyengar Yoga
9:00 AM09:00

Introduction to Iyengar Yoga

A class for those who want to start at the beginning and explore the fundamentals of Iyengar yoga!  This class introduces you to basic yoga poses and proper alignment, yogic breathing, and relaxation techniques to promote well-being and good health.  Enjoy improved flexibility, strength, balance, and ease while learning to practice yoga safely and effectively.

NOTE: Beginning Yoga is suitable for all ages and body types but is not recommended for individuals with significant illness or injury. Private sessions can be scheduled to address specific needs in a safe, one on one therapeutic setting. Please check with your doctor and the instructor if you have any questions or are unsure if it is a good time for you to begin a yoga practice.  

$20 with advance registration
$25 @ the door

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Yoga Chair Workshop
9:00 AM09:00

Yoga Chair Workshop

  • 4 Corners Yoga @ Historic Smiley Bldg. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Learn how to use the backless chair as an effective Yoga tool 
Deepen and enhance your practice
Gain more sensitivity with correct use of effort
Receive the benefits of supportive postures held for longer time periods

The Yoga chair is an effective tool to deepen and enhance the experience and practice of all types of yoga poses. We often use the yoga chair to support, guide and intensify our asana practice in poses ranging from simple seated twists, to standing poses, to supported inversions and backbends. B.K.S. Iyengar introduced props into the modern practice of yoga to allow all practitioners access to the benefits of the postures regardless of physical condition. Props help all practitioners (including the most advanced) gain sensitivity to the correct use of effort and receive the deep benefits of postures held over significant time periods. Props encourage students, bolster confidence, and create optimal body alignment. $55 Venmo K-Lea to register

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Exploring the Psoas through Yoga
10:00 AM10:00

Exploring the Psoas through Yoga

A tight psoas can cause postural problems, so conditioning the psoas in your yoga practice can help keep it healthy, strong, and flexible. If you spend a great deal of time sitting, this will be a key practice to incorporate into your lifestyle. The Psoas is known as the fight or flight muscle and is similar to a barometer for the state of our nervous system. Experience this important muscle and how to release and strengthen it. As with most muscles, we must balance stability and mobility. We will explore strengthening, releasing and relaxing through Yoga poses and functional movement modalities. This workshop is open to experienced Yoga practitioners.

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Winter Workshop Series with K-Lea Gifford
to Jan 6

Winter Workshop Series with K-Lea Gifford

Join us for a transformative journey as we conclude one year and embark on the next. You're invited to three special workshops with renowned Iyengar Instructor K-Lea Gifford.

K-Lea Gifford brings a wealth of experience to her teachings. With a background in somatic training, certifications in Yoga therapy, and body-oriented transpersonal psychotherapy, she combines her deep knowledge of Iyengar Yoga, meditation and breath work to enrich her practice and teaching.

K-Lea's approach is simple: Come as you are, settle into your role as a Yoga student, and open yourself to profound learning. The joy that naturally follows her teachings is an experience not to miss. Her guidance is a perfect fusion of lyrical poetry and precise prose, reflecting the very essence of Yoga's union of opposites. Her intention is to empower you to discover joyful freedom, fostering strength, confidence, presence, and discipline necessary for personal growth and the anchoring of your Yoga practice into the new year.

This series is open for all levels of experienced practitioners.
K-Lea encourages you to reach out to her with yoga questions or requests. Connect with her at

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Aligning with Adjustments with Sarah Klein & K-Lea Gifford
11:00 AM11:00

Aligning with Adjustments with Sarah Klein & K-Lea Gifford

  • 4 Corners Yoga in Historic Smiley Bldg. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

11 AM - 1 PM
$50 If you prefer to work with a specific partner, sign up together and receive a discounted investment of $40 per person.

To register, contact Sarah Klein
(585) 613-1981

Skillful hands-on adjustments can be enlightening if done well, at the right time, and executed with receptivity and compassion. Join Sarah and K-Lea for a specialized class emphasizing hands-on cues. Experienced students are invited to explore assisted postures focusing on alignment, stability and depth. Yogasana Instructors will benefit by refining adjustment skills, which take time, sensitivity and practice to master, and your students will thank you.

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Asana for Pelvic Floor Class
9:00 AM09:00

Asana for Pelvic Floor Class

  • 4 Corners Yoga in Historic Smiley Bldg. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This workshop is open to all-level Yoga practitioners interested in experiencing specific Yoga postures and positions designed to provide tools for maintaining a healthy pelvic floor.  K-Lea will guide you through a practice of poses primarily inspired by her training with Leslie Howard, author of Pelvic Liberation.  

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Yoga for the Pelvic Floor Workshop
9:00 AM09:00

Yoga for the Pelvic Floor Workshop

Yoga for the Pelvic Floor Workshop, Saturday, October 28, 2023 9 - 11:30 am $50

This workshop is open to all level Yoga practitioners interested in experiencing specific Yoga postures and positions designed to provide tools for maintaining a healthy pelvic floor. K-Lea will guide you through a practice of poses primarily inspired by her teacher training with Leslie Howard, author of Pelvic Liberation.

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Activate your Legs in Standing Poses and Inversions!
10:00 AM10:00

Activate your Legs in Standing Poses and Inversions!

Join K-Lea Gifford and Sarah Klein in this deep dive in which we will explore fundamentals, modifications and artful play in standing poses and inversions. Step into Asana Lab, and intimately explore and feel the energetics of these postures so you can incorporate them into your home practice. We will start with an intentional focus guided by a Yoga Sutra. Prepare your body, educate your practice and come ready to playfully explore these postures to enhance your life. All levels and experiences are welcome.

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Yoga and the Pelvic Floor Workshop and Teacher Training
12:00 PM12:00

Yoga and the Pelvic Floor Workshop and Teacher Training

Yoga and the Pelvic Floor: A workshop for EVERY body
May 06
Please note this is a one-day workshop that is also the first day of the Teacher Training.
* all female identified or female assigned at birth people welcome.
Bio: Leslie Howard is an Oakland-based yoga teacher, specializing in all things pelvic. She leads workshops and trainings nationally and has written a book about caring for the female pelvis, Pelvic Liberation. To learn more about Leslie or for some online education opportunities

Pelvic Floor Teacher Training
May 06 - May 09
with Leslie Howard - She is a regular presenter for the Yoga Journal conferences and a regular contributor to Yoga Journal magazine. Her own struggles with healing her hips and pelvis led her to intense study of the anatomy, physiology, cultural messaging, history and energetics of this rich place. Her teaching is informed by over 3500 hours of yoga study with senior Iyengar yoga teachers. She considers Ramanand Patel her most important influence and mentor. She has designed two very successful studies for UCSF on how to use yoga to alleviate incontinence and pelvic pain.

  • Proper strengthening and stabilizing of the pelvic floor helps to create the correct foundation of each movement in the body. This is the true meaning of "core work." Whether you experience any of these conditions, or are just plain curious about this region of the body, this workshop is for you:

    • pelvic pain

    • lower back, hip or groin problems

    • discomfort during sex or while using tampons

    • skin irritation

    • leak when laughing or sneezing

    • have to go the bathroom too often

    • prolapsed organs

    • pre and post pregnancy

    This workshop we will locate, assess, soften, stretch, strengthen and exercise the muscle groups of the pelvic floor, discuss Mula Bandha, abdominal health and how to utilize the pelvic floor in asana. Part one of the workshop will begin with anatomy, lecture and discussion, followed by subtle experiential movements to awaken your understanding of this often ignored area. Part two, will be yoga asana to address the two types of pelvic floors. A series of specific exercises and asanas for the pelvic floor will follow. Handouts will be provided. Bring your friends, sisters, mothers and daughters. Although helpful, no yoga experience is required. This workshop qualifies for continuing education credits with Yoga Alliance and IAYT.

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Deep Dive into Backbends and Twisting Poses with K-Lea Gifford & Sarah Klein
12:00 PM12:00

Deep Dive into Backbends and Twisting Poses with K-Lea Gifford & Sarah Klein

In this deep dive, we will explore fundamentals, modifications and artful play in backbends and twisting postures. Spring is a wonderful time to deepen into these invigorating and cleansing postures. These two categories of poses pair well together as twists are an essential counterpose to a backbend practice. Step into Asana Lab, and intimately explore and feel the energetics of these postures so you can incorporate them into your home practice. We will weave the wisdom of Yoga Sutra 2:33 into our practice. Prepare your body, educate your practice and come ready to playfully explore these postures to enhance your life. All levels and experiences are welcomed.

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Yoga for the Pelvic Floor
10:00 AM10:00

Yoga for the Pelvic Floor

Saturday Yoga Workshop 10 am-12 pm  $40

This workshop is open to all levels and all bodies. The male and female pelvis is not drastically different, so all practitioners interested in experiencing specific Yoga postures and positions designed to provide tools for maintaining a healthy pelvic floor are welcome. K-Lea will guide you through a practice of poses primarily inspired by her teacher training with Leslie Howard, author of Pelvic Liberation.

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Exploring the Psoas
10:00 AM10:00

Exploring the Psoas

Saturday Yoga Workshops 10 am-12 pm  $40

This workshop is open to all levels of practitioners. The Psoas is known as the fight or flight muscle and is similar to a barometer for the state of our nervous system. Experience this important muscle and how to release and strengthen it. As with most muscles, it is important that we have a balance between stability and mobility. We will explore strengthening, releasing and relaxing through Yoga poses and functional movement modalities. A tight psoas can cause postural problems, so conditioning the psoas in y our yoga practice can help keep it healthy, strong, and flexible. If you spend a great deal of time sitting, this will be a key practice to incorporate into your lifestyle.

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Opening your front body with compassion
10:00 AM10:00

Opening your front body with compassion

Saturday Yoga Workshop 10 am-12 pm  $40

This workshop is open to all levels of practitioners. Yoga poses that expand the chest area and open the front body relieve tension stored in the surrounding muscles and allow the body to send off natural painkillers. They lift your mood and create space around the heart region, allowing for growth in compassion and a feeling of connection. Backbends open up the front of the body and are often called “heart openers and mood elevators.” Front body opening poses provide space in the lungs to breathe more deeply, which can bring calmness to your mind, and they work well to ward off the last of the winter woes!  In this workshop, we will approach backbends safely in a methodical way. We will use various props to promote confidence, maintain control and compassionately support each practitioner regardless of whether you can push up to a full wheel pose.

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Pregnancy Yoga Class Wednesday, March 23 with K-Lea
4:15 PM16:15

Pregnancy Yoga Class Wednesday, March 23 with K-Lea

Prenatal Yoga is a safe, supportive and nurturing class designed to guide you in your Yoga practice during pregnancy, to deepen your connection to your body, and to your baby, during this time. This class will support you and your changing body as you progress through pregnancy and prepare for birth, offering postures and sequences specifically designed for each trimester, with supportive props and modifications to make the practice accessible and nurturing for all stages of pregnancy. We aim to create a safe and nourishing container to practice in a community with other expecting mothers.

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Yoking the Body & Mind Workshops, Denver 2022
to Jan 23

Yoking the Body & Mind Workshops, Denver 2022

Join Sarah Klein & K-Lea Gifford for a practice to Yoke together Sutra, Yoga psychology, meditation, breathwork, and alignment into a Vinyasa style practice. Looking for the precision of Iyengar Yoga and the flow of Vinyasa? Wish you could find qualified instructors that Yoke both into a dynamic practice?
12 - 3 pm Saturday, January 22 and Sunday, January 23

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4 Corners Yoga Subbing Wednesday 5:30 Class
5:30 PM17:30

4 Corners Yoga Subbing Wednesday 5:30 Class

Occasionally K-Lea subs for Kathy Curran @ 4 Corners Yoga. These in-person classes are for vaccinated students only. Photos of Covid-19 vaccine cards must be sent (by email or text 970-259-4794) before attending a class or shown at the studio door before class. $15 per class, payable to Kathy Curran.

Photography: Photo Divine

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Outdoor Yoga and Vegan Farm Dinner Event
5:00 PM17:00

Outdoor Yoga and Vegan Farm Dinner Event

Yoga for foodies with K-Lea Gifford an outdoor yoga & farm dinner event. Come practice yoga in the garden followed by an evening of fresh food and conversation. Meals will be made using fresh that morning picked veggies from living, microbiome-rich soil. Microbiome Chef Maddalena will discuss all things microbiome, food, farming and more. All dinners come with a fresh tempeh tasting, a real treat. Space is limited to 20 participants.

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