Basic Yoga setup for all classes
Media for Neck & Shoulders Workshop recording.png
WORKSHOP: Neck & Shoulders
Pelvic Floor Workshop (1080 × 1080 px) copy.png
WORKSHOP: Yoga for Your Pelvic Floor
Neck & Shoulders Reconciling the push & pull.png
Neck & Shoulders (Reconciling the push & pull)
Abdominals & Twists.png
Abdominals & Twists (some arm balancing)
Hip Focused Poses.png
Hip Focused Poses
Hips, groins, hamstrings (reclining standing poses).png
Hips, groins, hamstrings (reclining standing poses)
Cross Lateral Consciousness.png
Cross Lateral Consciousness
Calves, Core,  Feet and More.png
Calves, Core, Feet and More
Cathedral  of the Heart (Backbend Practice).png
Cathedral of the Heart (Backbend Practice)
Yoga for  Balance Contra-Lateral Awareness.png
Yoga for Balance, Contra-Lateral Awareness
Opening your back through the front  Abdomen Poses.png
Opening your back through the front / Abdomen Poses
Lengthening the Inner Legs.png
Lengthening the Inner Legs
Balance Challenge  and Core.png
Balance Challenge & Core
Practicing toward Supta Virasana.png
Practicing Toward Supta Virasana
Working with  your hamstrings.png
Working with your Hamstrings
Chair Yoga  Standing Poses.png
Chair Yoga / Standing Poses
Contralateral Activation.png
Contralateral Activation (Hips & Hamstrings)
Psoas Poses Part I.png
Psoas Poses Part I
Psoas Poses Part II.png
Psoas Poses Part II
Psoas Poses Part III.png
Psoas Poses Part III
Sequence for mixed or Hypotonicity of Pelvic Floor.png
Sequence for mixed or Hypotonicity of Pelvic Floor
Back Care  Sequence.png
Basic Back Care Sequence
Balancing from the Core.png
Balancing from the Core
Legs & Hips.png
Legs & Hips
Spinal Mobility.png
Spinal Mobility
Travel Yoga.png
Travel Yoga (Neck, Shoulders, Legs & Feet)
Restorative  &  Introduction to Pranayama.png
Restorative & Introduction to Pranayama
Copy of Alternating Bent Leg Straight Leg Poses.png
Head Down Poses / Forward Extensions
The Basics of Shoulderstand.png
The Basics of Shoulderstand
Tai Chi Warmups with Chris Furer (1).png
Tai Chi Warmup with Chris Furer
Belly down backbends  & twisting poses.png
Belly down backbends & twisting poses
Chest and Quads (Purvottanasana).png
Chest and Quads (Purvottanasana) Opening the front and side body
Stability & Balance (Golfers).png
Stability & Balance (Golfers)
Yoga for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.png
Yoga for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Activating breath for core stability  (Ardha Chandrasana).png
Activating breath for core stability (Ardha Chandrasana)
Backbend Practice.png
Backbend Practice
General Class for Beginners.png
General Class for Beginners
Shoulder Blades in Spinal Rotations.png
Shoulder Blades in Spinal Rotations
Opening the front chest in “arms back” poses.png
Opening the front chest in “arms back” Poses
Snow Day Practice.png
Snow Day Practice
Balance the Inner and Outer Hips.png
Balance the Inner and Outer Hips
Accessing the front hip.png
Accessing the Front Hip
Revolved and Forward Bends.png
Revolved and Forward Bends
Poses for Hips focused on External Rotation .png
Poses for Hips: focus on External Rotation
Chest Opening in Backbends facebook.png
Chest Opening in Backbends
1 hour easeful morning yoga.png
Easeful Morning Yoga Practice
Poses for  toning the organs.png
Poses for toning the organs
Balance, Hips, Core and More!.png
Balance, Hips, Core and More!
Evening Practice Free Download.png
FREE DOWNLOAD - Evening Practice
Gentle Yoga for Feet & Hands.png
FREE DOWNLOAD - Gentle Yoga for Feet and Hands
Exploring Parsva Poses.png
Exploring Parsva Poses
Wake up the Inner and outer thighs (Adductors & Abductors).png
Wake up the Inner and outer thighs (Adductors & Abductors)
Deescalating the Nervous System.png
Calming the Nervous System
Yoga for Knees.png
Yoga for Knees
Abdomen to Thigh Connection.png
Abdomen to Thigh Connection
Supported Gentle & Restorative Poses.png
Supported Gentle & Restorative Poses
Neck & Shoulders.png
Neck & Shoulders
Slowing Down  the Sun salutation.png
Slowing Down the Sun Salutation
Supported Backbends.png
Supported Backbends
Archer’s Pose and Mudras Aim for the Lotus Heart.png
Archer’s Pose and Mudras: Aim for the Lotus Heart
Twists - Garudasana (Eagle Pose).png
Twists - Garudasana (Eagle Pose)
Equality in the torso  Equanimity in the mind.png
Equality in the torso / Equanimity in the mind
Hamstrings, Hips and Twists.png
Hamstrings, Hips and Twists
Restorative Yoga & Pranayama .png
Restorative Yoga and Pranayama
Yoga for Feet.png
Yoga for the Feet
NECK & SHOULDERS _Get over Yourself_.png
Neck and Shoulders, "Get over Yourself"
Head Down and Hip Shuffle.png
Head Down and Hip Shuffle
Balance Poses.png
Balance Poses for length, strength, stability and mobility
Revolved standing Poses (Parivrrta).png
Parivrtta (revolved) Poses
Piriformis Part 1 Yoga for Sciatica.png
Piriformis Part 1 - Yoga for Sciatica
Practice for Glute Amnesia.png
Practice for Glute Amnesia: Piriformis Part 2 (stabilizing and strengthening the hips)
Inner thighs and hips.png
Practice for Inner Thighs and Hips
Standing Poses - focus on upper back thighs.png
Standing Poses - focus on upper back thighs
Tilling the Soil  for LOTUS.png
Tilling the soil for Lotus
Heart Opening Class.png
Heart Opening Yoga Class
Restorative Yoga Practice.png
Restorative Yoga Practice
Basic Standing Poses  Appropriate for New Beginners.png
Basic Standing Poses / Appropriate for New Beginners
Improve your posture and  strengthen your back.png
Improve your Posture and Strengthen your Back
Symmetry in Asana _ Wide Legged Poses.png
Symmetry in Asana~Wide-Legged Poses
Supta _ Standing _ Supta.png
Supta ~ Standing ~ Supta
Stretching the front body,  Feeling deeply into the quadriceps.png
Stretching the front body, Feeling deeply into the quadriceps
Standing poses with Arm-work.png
Standing poses with Arm-work (Lower Back)
Yoga for Digestion.png
Yoga to aid in Digestion
General Class with Shoulder Stretches.png
General Class with Shoulder Stretches
Quieting Forward Bends.png
Quieting Forward Bends
Side Body, Hips, Rib Cage Awareness.png
Side Body, Hips, Rib Cage Awareness
Chest Opening Stretches.png
Yoga for Chest Opening Stretches
Yoga with K-Lea_ Feet, ankles, calves, hips (1.5 hour video).png
Yoga for Feet, Ankles, Calves, and Hips
Legs, Hips, Side Body.png
Yoga for Legs, Hips, and Side Body
Yoga for Balance(1.5 hour video).png
Yoga for Balance
Hips _ Legs _ Abdominals.png
Hips / Legs / Abdominal Poses
Working toward  Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3).png
Working toward Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3)
What is Padangustha Mudra and a Bandha.png
What is Padangustha Mudra and a Bandha?
Poses for cultivating Jalandhara Bandha  (throatchin lock).png
Poses for cultivating Jalandhara Bandha (throat/chin lock)
Focus on Femurs in Backbending.png
Focus on the Femurs in Backbending
Class mainly focused on Twisting Poses.png
Class mainly focused on Twisting Poses
Paschima Arms.png
Paschima Arms
Open Chest in Standing Poses.png
Open Chest in Standing Poses
2022:8:7 Gentle Gentle class working with lateral  and sagittal plane poses.png
Gentle class working with lateral and sagittal plane poses
Chest Opening and Pranayama.png
Chest Opening and Pranayama
Alternating Bent Leg Straight Leg Poses.png
Alternating Bent Leg/ Straight Leg Poses on Sagittal and Lateral planes
Preparing for Padmasana Practice.png
Preparing for Padmasana Practice
Opening the Heart with Ease.png
Opening the Heart with Ease
Standing Poses (starting with neck and arm poses).png
Standing Poses (starting with neck and arm poses)